Follow the links below to find your perfect Pretty Pickle piece! Our items are also sold in a few select stores- check out those websites for more info.
Do you have a shop in mind that would be a great fit for nature jewelry? I'm always looking for new shops and suggestions! Send me a message under the "contact" tab with the store info, and I'll reach out the the owners!

Our etsy shop has many botanical pieces to choose from, and shipping is a breeze!
In Store:
One of our largest carriers of The Pretty Pickle designs. Tamarack is a beautifully currated collection of juried art from WV artisans.
Paint your own pottery and handmade goods from local artisans can be found at this lovely shop! We have a small display in the main room. The folks here are super cool- check them out!
Such a CUTE shop in Morgantown, WV. Stocks a large selection of my classic line, and also carries one of a kind, unique pieces too!
Step into Wit & Whimzy, a curated showcase of artisan-created products, and you will find yourself surrounded by US-made goodness. Located in Marietta, Ohio
A lovely shop in Weston, WV with carefully selected, beautiful and unique treasures!
This renovated industrial building with a three-story atrium in the heart of downtown Wheeling is a tribute to this city’s rich cultural heritage. It features a shopping area, exhibits, and event loft.

....And so many more!! My pieces are now carried in over 200 boutiques around the US!
Want to know if any are near you? Shoot me an email and I'll be happy to let ya know! : megan@theprettypickle.com